By Bill Colley
For some years now it has been a question posed on my radio show: What happens to the wards of the state when they no longer have access to the public trough? Until some very recent events it appeared not much more than a rhetorical question. Or as the liberal callers would shout a “straw man” to enrage self-reliant America. Then yesterday one-third to one-half of Americans went to their local groceries, filled their shopping carts with Doritos and then at the counter service was denied. The following link explains it was a widespread system failure following a diagnostic test:
A take-away from the US News story: People are enraged when hungry and embarrassed at the checkout. Now imagine their reaction if they were told heretofore the shop is closed?
This morning I rolled out of bed before six and while brewing coffee turned on the radio and listened to the Wall Street Journal Weekend. The host teased during the open the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) isn’t really affordable. Oh, I suppose if you’re well-healed along the lines of Nancy Pelosi and her insider trading husband then 15-hundred dollars a month isn’t much of a throw. Can you also imagine the poor fellow looking at a policy dunning him 189 dollars monthly but with a 10 to 12-thousand dollar deductible?
I remember in 1988 I was working my second full-time radio gig and I got a raise from 195 to 205 dollars a week. At the time I was paying a student loan and a car loan and living in a boarding house for 6o dollars weekly! My employer offered health insurance. I declined. For all I know I was eligible for food stamps and heating assistance and I did get free coffee at work. When I needed a tooth pulled I walked down the street and paid a dentist 50 dollars out-of-pocket and the business was done. I paid cash because in order to save money I opted out of the offered insurance and my monthly share of the tab. Also I loved my work and was surrounded by great friends. Until the following year when I was hired by one of the most decorated news radio operations in America where I received a significant raise, health insurance and still had access to free coffee.
This past week I read a story about two states where nobody had signed up for Obamacare. In another state 5 people had taken the plunge. This morning my home state’s largest newspaper reports doctors aren’t sure what to expect when thousands of new Obamacare enrollees begin making appointments. The story, I believe, is biased from the first sentence when the reporter says there will be thousands. Many states it appears are slow to release numbers related to enrollment. I suspect it’s because many people logged on to the healthcare website (or those lucky few who actually could) and were shocked to learn it wasn’t free. Not that anything is ever free. Someone somewhere is paying for the services. It takes a cold stone idiot to believe otherwise. As a point of fact one government website did promote the plan as free and then at launch the word free was scrubbed. It’s called bait-and-switch.
Due to advancing age I had an opportunity this last week to see two of my doctors (I now seem to have three.) Driving to an appointment I tuned in Rush Limbaugh and another great mind was thinking alike. People thought it was free, he was saying.
I’m going to posit another great thought. What if the weekend’s food stamp debacle was intentional? What if your government is curious about the reaction? What if the point is to determine where to send the troops when the uprisings start? Do you understand what this debt ceiling fight is really all about? If the government is suddenly limited in borrowing then it can no longer continue borrowing 50 cents of every dollar it spends. Think about it for a moment. Washington spends 3 to 4 trillion dollars yearly. Washington brings in revenues of 1.5 to 2 trillion dollars (the latter number would be a very good year) yearly. Do the math. If you earn 60,000 dollars every year and your expenses are 120,000 dollars and the day comes when the credit card is maxed…
Your kids will be hungry and angry. You can drop them off at the orphanage but judging by the overflowing animal shelters in my neighborhood the orphanages would soon collapse. You could offer them as property to the Chinese where they could be harvested for organs. You could simply allow them to wander the streets and fight over scraps. And every time the debt limit is raised it means the day of reckoning will be even more severe.
Our creditors aren’t known as humanitarians. The people behind the Islamic sovereign wealth funds chop the hands from the hungry grasping for bread. As the economic writer Robert Samuelson explains the Chinese Politburo isn’t concerned if you do or don’t get your social security check.
Today when you look at a newspaper or turn on the news you’ll hear a very simple explanation. The Tea Party is mean.
Originally posted here:
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